

来源: | 发布日期:4个月前 | 浏览次数:








  1. **设备准备**:我们迅速调配了符合要求的手机屏蔽器设备,并进行了全面检查与测试,确保每台设备均能在指定频段内有效工作。

  2. **现场部署**:在会议前一天,缘通租赁的专业技术人员抵达会场,根据事先规划好的布局图,高效完成了设备的安装与调试。同时,我们还对会场周边进行了信号测试,确保屏蔽效果覆盖无死角。

  3. **培训与支持**:为确保会议工作人员能够熟练操作设备,我们现场进行了设备使用培训,并留下联系方式以便会议期间随时提供技术支持。




  - **高效响应**:从接到需求到方案制定,再到设备到位与安装调试,整个过程仅用了不到一周时间,展现了缘通租赁的高效服务能力。

  - **专业团队**:我们的技术人员拥有丰富的实战经验和扎实的专业知识,能够迅速解决各种突发问题,确保会议顺利进行。

  - **灵活定制**:针对客户的特殊需求,我们提供了个性化的租赁方案,既满足了客户的实际需求,又有效控制了成本。

  - **优质体验**:从设备性能到服务态度,缘通租赁都力求做到最好,为客户带来全方位的优质体验。




  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Jammer Rental in Yichang, Hubei**

  In the rapidly evolving modern society, the need for information security at crucial meetings, exams, and sensitive venues is on the rise. Yichang, a city rich in history and vitality, recently witnessed the exceptional performance of Yuantong Rental in providing mobile phone jammer rental services. This case study details how we assisted a renowned local enterprise in successfully hosting a high-profile business seminar, showcasing the efficiency and convenience of short-term rental services.


  Wisdom for the Future Technology Co., Ltd., located in the heart of Yichangs business district, was preparing for an international seminar on cutting-edge technological trends. With a large number of participants and numerous confidential business discussions, ensuring communication security during the event to prevent leakage of sensitive information became a pressing issue. In this context, Wisdom for the Future chose to partner with Yuantong Rental for mobile phone jammer rental to safeguard the seminar.

  **Needs Analysis**

  Yuantong Rentals team first conducted in-depth discussions with Wisdom for the Future to understand the specific requirements of the event: the area to be covered, the estimated number of participants, the frequency range to be blocked, and the rental period. Based on this information, we formulated a detailed rental plan, including equipment quantity, layout planning, and installation & commissioning timelines.

  **Service Implementation**

  1. **Equipment Preparation**: We promptly allocated suitable mobile phone jammer equipment and conducted comprehensive inspections and tests to ensure each device worked effectively within the specified frequency range.

  2. **Onsite Deployment**: The day before the seminar, Yuantong Rentals professional technicians arrived at the venue and efficiently completed equipment installation and commissioning according to the pre-planned layout


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