

来源: | 发布日期:5个月前 | 浏览次数:



  ### 项目背景


  ### 合作过程


  ### 实施效果

  1. **高效部署**:凭借丰富的行业经验和高效的执行力,缘通租赁在短时间内完成了监控系统的安装调试工作,比预期时间提前了整整一周,为绿野牧歌集团节省了宝贵的时间成本。

  2. **全面覆盖**:租赁的监控摄像头覆盖了牧场的关键出入口、牲畜集中区、水源地等重要区域,实现了无死角监控,有效提升了牧区的安全防范能力。

  3. **智能管理**:通过云端存储与智能分析技术,监控中心能够实时监测牧场动态,及时发现并处理异常情况,大大减轻了人工巡逻的负担,提高了管理效率。

  4. **灵活调整**:短期租赁模式让绿野牧歌集团能够根据实际需求灵活调整监控布局,避免了长期投资带来的资金占用和设备闲置问题。

  ### 客户反馈


  ### 结语



  **English Translation**:

  **Successful Case of Surveillance Camera Rental in Xilin Gol League, Inner Mongolia**

  Amidst the vast Xilin Gol grassland in Inner Mongolia, where the blue sky meets the green pastures, the harmonious coexistence of traditional herding and modern technology is evident. Recently, Yuantong Leasing successfully provided short-term surveillance camera rental services to Green Prairie Herding Group, a renowned local livestock enterprise, significantly enhancing its safety management capabilities and facilitating the rapid establishment of a crucial security monitoring system.

  **Project Background**

  Green Prairie Herding Group, as a leading player in Xilin Gols livestock industry, boasts vast pastures and abundant herds. As the enterprise expanded, addressing security concerns such as livestock theft and wildlife intrusion became paramount. Seeking a balance between long-term investment and immediate needs, the group opted for short-term surveillance camera rental.

  **Cooperation Process**

  Responding promptly, Yuantong Leasing dispatched a dedicated team for on-site assessments, tailoring a rental plan that encompassed high-definition night vision cameras, wireless transmission equipment, and cloud storage solutions. This ensured clear footage capture under any weather and lighting conditions, with real-time transmission to the monitoring center.

  **Implementation Results**

  1. **Swift Deployment**: Yuantong Leasing completed installation and调试 ahead of schedule, saving valuable time for Green Prairie.

  2. **Comprehensive Coverage**: Cameras covered key areas, enhancing security without blind spots.

  3. **Intelligent Management**: Cloud storage and analytics facilitated real-time monitoring and swift response to anomalies.

  4. **Flexibility**: Short-term rental allowed for dynamic adjustments based on evolving needs.

  **Customer Feedback**

  Yuantong Leasings professionalism and efficiency left a deep impression, said Green Prairies representative. They swiftly established a robust monitoring network, significantly upgrading our safety measures. The flexibility of rental made it possible to address our needs without heavy capital commitments.




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